The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in one way or another, and our favourite Australian Designer, Mela Purdie is no exception. The Sydney based label ground to a halt along with the rest of the country, as each state navigated their way through lock downs and social distancing. Mela Purdie is manufactured by family owned makers around Sydney, all of which had to close, so we have been without any new deliveries for some time now. 

The good news is, things are slowly reopening and new arrivals are not far away! What can we expect? Now more than ever Mela's quality offering of timeless styles that fit effortlessly into your wardrobe are valid and in demand. We are all looking for ever-green styles that suit a variety of purposes in life, we want clothes we can work in, clothing for travel, and quality leisure outfits for everyday activities like coffee with friends, shopping, golf, walking to name a few. 

 It is also good to know the miles your clothing has travelled on its journey from a yarn to your wardrobe are few and predominantly in Australia. 


Pre Order your favourites from this trans-seasonal new capsule collection now!

Our exclusive catalogue stars Philippa and Essie, the golden retriever - photographed in Philippa and Scott's lovely home by Beck.